Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Name: | MEDIA CONNECT |
Company Location(s): | New York, NY |
Description: | MEDIA CONNECT is a respected, critically acclaimed and award-winning leader in the media relations placement field since 1962.
We are a division of Finn Partners, a leading independent PR firm, headquartered in New York, with offices located in major markets throughout the United States. As a client, you benefit from the respected brand name and extensive resources of Finn Partners, but you also receive close, personal attention under a family-owned business atmosphere with MC. MEDIA CONNECT provides quality media representation and book publicity to a diverse array of high-profile leaders, including: - Best-selling authors of every genre, - Leading non-profit organizations, - Fortune 500 corporations and CEOs, - Hollywood celebrities and pop-culture institutions, - Major trade associations, - The travel and entertainment industries, - Small businesses, - Professional sports figures and popular athletes, - Recognized think-tanks and prominent political figures, - Members of the faith community and religious leaders, - Health-care professionals, and - Members of the news media |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Alternative Media Independent Publishers |
Company Website: | www.media-connect.com |
Email: | Brian.feinblum@finnpartners.com |
Phone: | 212-583-2718 |